From Something
creates a record from a Product, typically a case class instance.
import com.github.tarao.record4s.Record
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
Record.from(Person("tarao", 3))
// res0: % {
// val name: String
// val age: Int
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3)
Anything other than Product can be converted to a record if RecordLike instance is given.
To Something
You can use to
method to convert a record to a Product.
%(name = "ikura", age = 1).to[Person]
// res1: Person = Person(name = "ikura", age = 1)
A record can be converted to anything other than Product if Converter instance is given.
From / To JSON
Records can be converted from/to JSON using circe. See Integration with circe for the detail.
In Scala.js, fromJSON
and toJSON
methods are available. See Converting a Record from
/ to a JSON string for the detail.
From / To JavaScript Objects
In Scala.js, fromJS
and toJS
methods are available. See Converting a Record from / to
a Native JavaScript Object for the detail.
Records can implicitly be upcast since their types are represented as structural types in Scala 3.
val person = %(name = "tarao", age = 3)
// person: % {
// val name: String
// val age: Int
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3)
val named: % { val name: String } = person
// named: % {
// val name: String
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3)
Note that the runtime value still has statically hidden fields ⸺ age
of named
in the
above example. This is because named
points to the same object as person
, where it
has person.age
To drop the hidden fields, use as
val named2 =[% { val name: String }]
// named2: % {
// val name: String
// } = %(name = tarao)
In this case, as
makes a copy of person
only with the visible fields.
Selecting / Unselecting / Reordering / Renaming
It is also possible to shrink a record to have selected fields.
val person = %(name = "tarao", age = 3, email = "")
// person: % {
// val name: String
// val age: Int
// val email: String
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3, email =
val contact = person(
// contact: % {
// val name: String
// val email: String
// } = %(name = tarao, email =
Or to unselect some fields.
import com.github.tarao.record4s.unselect
val contact = person(unselect.age)
// contact: % {
// val name: String
// val email: String
// } = %(name = tarao, email =
Field selection also supports reordering and renaming.
val account = person(
.email(rename = "login")
.name(rename = "displayName"),
// account: % {
// val login: String
// val displayName: String
// } = %(login =, displayName = tarao)
Note that the field order is semantically insignificant. You can always reorder the static type of the fields.
// res3: % {
// val name: String
// val age: Int
// val email: String
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3, email =
val person2: % {
val email: String
val age: Int
val name: String
} = person
// person2: % {
// val email: String
// val age: Int
// val name: String
// } = %(name = tarao, age = 3, email =