

Internal Representation

Record fields are internally stored in a Map. Roughly saying, field access r.f translates to r.__data("f") at compile time, where r.__data is the internal Map. In the next two sections, we describe the overheads compared to Map.

Runtime Overhead

The runtime performance characteristics of records are almost the same as those of Maps.

Time consumption of creating a new instance grows linearly against the number of fields. This is due to hash map construction. There is a few overhead in record creation. It comes from the difference between Map.empty.concat(fields) and Map.from(fields).

Creation time / Record size
Record creation time against record size

Field access takes effectively constant time. There is some more additional overheads in records because we need some field label decoding.

Access time / Record size
Field access time against record size

Compile-time Overhead

Compilation of reacord creation and update have some overheads. They need to calculate structural types from field types and argument types.

Compilation time of creation / Record size
Compilation time of record creation against record size

Compilation time of field update grows quadratically against record size. This is due to subtyping checks of structural types in Scala 3 compiler, which is done by heavy recursive calls.

Compilation time of update / Record size
Compilation time of update against record size

Compilation of field access on records somehow faster than on Maps. We have no idea why this is faster than Map.

Compilation time of access / Record size
Compilation time of field access against record size

Comparison with Case Classes

Case classes have always better performance both at runtime and compile time (except runtime performance of field updates).

Here's the comparison of runtime performance. Creation time and access time of case classes are constant time while update time grows significantly when the number of fields gets large. This is because updating a case class (by copy method) copies the entire instance of the case class.

Creation time / Record size
Record creation time against record size
Update time / Record size
Update time against record size
Access time / Record size
Field access time against record size

Faster field access

If you are a speed freak, you may wish to have a field access which takes strictly constant time, like with case classes or structural types in some other languages, for example in Go.

Such implementation usually allocates fields in a specific order and compiles a field access to an index lookup. It is theoretically hard to achieve this with our structural types of records, where the order of fields is insignificant and it has implicit upcasts.

We have another record type called ArrayRecord for this motivation. It provides constant-time field access with fixed-order field types and without implicit upcasts.

import com.github.tarao.record4s.ArrayRecord

val person = ArrayRecord(name = "tarao", age = 3)
// person: ArrayRecord[*:[Tuple2["name", String], *:[Tuple2["age", Int], EmptyTuple]]] = ArrayRecord(
//   name = "tarao",
//   age = 3
// )
// res0: String = "tarao"

In this case, compiles to person.__fields(0)._2.asInstanceOf[String].

There is no implicit upcast but we have explicit upcast method.

val named: ArrayRecord[("name", String) *: EmptyTuple] = person
// error:
// Found:    (repl.MdocSession.MdocApp.person :
//   com.github.tarao.record4s.ArrayRecord[((("name" : String), String), (
//     ("age" : String), Int))]
// )
// Required: com.github.tarao.record4s.ArrayRecord[(("name" : String), String) *: EmptyTuple]
// val named: ArrayRecord[("name", String) *: EmptyTuple] = person
//                                                          ^^^^^^
val named = person.upcast[("name", String) *: EmptyTuple]
// named: ArrayRecord[*:[Tuple2["name", String], EmptyTuple]] = ArrayRecord(
//   name = "tarao"
// )

Its field access is faster than % records or Maps. Record creation is also quite fast.

Access time / Record size
Field access time against record size
Creation time / Record size
Record creation time against record size

On the other hand, be careful that field update gets slow as the number of fields grows because it requires to make a copy of field slots on update.

Update time / Record size
Update time against record size

Compilation of field access also takes more time compared to % because it requires to calculate the index of the field from the receiver type.

Compilation time of access / Record size
Compilation time of field access against record size

In this section, we additionally compare the performance of our records with that of shapeless records and scala-records.

Basically, our % records and scala-records have similar performance characteristics since they are both Map-based, and our ArrayRecord and shapeless records have similar characteristics since they are both order-significant linearly allocated records. Note that scala-records have no concatenation and update operation.

One major difference in shapeless records is that it takes linearly growing time to access fields as the field index increases while ArrayRecord keeps constant time. This is because shapeless records have linked list structure while ArrayRecords are indexed arrays.

Access time / Field index
Field access time against field index

Compilation time consumption of shapeless records also grows rapidly for record creation and concatenation compared to other implementations.

Compilation time of creation / Record size
Compilation time of record creation against record size
Compilation time of concatenation / Record size
Compilation time of record concatenation against record size

Finally, compilation time for field access takes shorter in this order:

Case classes = % < Map = scala-records < shapeless records < ArrayRecord
Compilation time of access / Record size
Compilation time of field access against record size

Summary of Features and Performance

Case classes Map record4s % record4s ArrayRecord shapeless records scala-records
Structural typing
Fast creation
Fast concatenation N/A N/A
Fast update N/A
Fast field access
Strict O(1) field access
Fast compilation of creation
Fast compilation of concatenation N/A N/A
Fast compilation of update N/A