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record4s Scala version support record4s Scala version support record4s Scala version support

record4s proviedes extensible records for Scala.

Getting Started

record4s is available for Scala 3 on Scala.js and Scala Native, as well as the standard JVM runtime. It is published to Maven Central.

Add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.tarao" %% "record4s" % "0.13.0"

For Mill:


For Scala CLI:

//> using dep "com.github.tarao::record4s:0.13.0"

An easier way to try out record4s is to run sbt console in the record4s repository.

> git clone
> cd record4s
> sbt console
scala> val r = %(name = "tarao", age = 3)
val r: com.github.tarao.record4s.%{val name: String; val age: Int} = %(name = tarao, age = 3)


record4s is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.